Be2Can is a showcase of selected festival films
We want to bring films that offer insight into current festivals that are otherwise missing from regular distribution. We do not limit ourselves to a mere ‘presentation’ - our goal is critical selection and discussion - on film, festivals, dramaturgy, politics, and awards.
Organisers Jury Manifesto
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We look at festival films critically, independently and professionally. From film selection to discussions with guests, the showcase is organised by a team from Film Europe, a film and media distribution company. Be2Can was founded by Ivan Hronec with the ambition to create an open platform for the dignified presentation of quality film.



I'm a film director and screenwriter. I graduated from the Department of Directing at FAMU. For my graduation film "Atestation" I won the Czech Lion and was nominated for the Magnesia Award. The French film academy César included me among the 33 short film directors in Europe for 2024 in their platform Le Nuit en Or. I have won other awards as a director of feature films and documentaries. I am also involved in audio production, having directed the audiobook versions of Bohumil Hrabal's and Vojtěch Klimt's works ("The Tender Barbarian" and "Only They Killed My Dad - The Life of Karel Kryl"). I am currently one of the authors of the upcoming permanent exhibition War of 1866 in the Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové. I am a member of the Czech Film and Television Academy and a married father of two children.


Adina Šulcová graduated from the Painting 3 studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Now she is a student of directing at FAMU. She is the author of the short DIY films "Prayer for Briana" and "Conspiracy of Girl Shit". The film was nominated for the Czech Film Critics' Award in 2023. Adina is also the author of the Generation Z theatre play "Shrex: A Game of Survival" and co-creator of the Swag Podcast, which has been released on the GoOut platform.


Darja Miková is a Master's student in Scriptwriting and Dramaturgy at FAMU in Prague. She focuses on themes related to intimacy, adolescence and the representation of female heroines in audiovisual. She is the co-author of the series "Nothing Really Happened", a dramedy directed by Jan Vejnar about the OnlyFans platform and intimacy in the digital age. As a screenwriter and dramaturg, she has collaborated on several student films. She is currently finishing her short directorial debut "Copy".


Director, animator and musician Jan B. Piskač (1997) graduated in animation from FDULS in Pilsen. He is currently studying at FAMU in Prague, where he is preparing his graduation puppet film. He is also working on music videos and short spots. His work regularly appears at domestic and international festivals. He is a co-founder of the guitar duo Samoty, which brings new tramp songs tainted with elements of blues and rock and roll.


Adam Ošťádal is a student of editing and montage at FAMU in Prague. Before that he studied film studies and musicology at Palacký University in Olomouc. He was the curator of the film club in the cinema Napajedla.

Be2Can manifesto

Dramaturgy per se

Our primary sources for film selection included in the showcase focus on the main competitions of three A-list film festivals in Europe - Berlinale, Venice and Cannes.
Other competitive and non-competitive sections of these festivals serve as secondary sources for us. We compose the showcase based on the preselection of their programmers and juries. We are not only interested in winning films, but also in the meaning and role different festival awards play, regardless of the selected films’ quality.

Film gallery

We see the main competitions of major festivals as an insight into current trends in festival filmmaking and as a platform to promote discussion on various topics and social issues.
We offer a meticulously curated gallery of films which begins with festival competition sections. However, we also take into account remarkable titles that may have escaped the attention of juries. We pride ourselves on offering audiences a clear view of what drives contemporary art films forward.

Festival resonance

At festivals we listen, read, and participate in talks. This assists us in determining which movies have a strong theme, spark discussion, and open up interesting topics.
As a result, the resonance of the film is more important than the prize awarded to the film by the jury. The top prize will be forgotten unless it is given to a film with the potential to appeal to both audiences and critics. On the contrary, a neglected film may resonate more strongly in the future than the winner of a prestigious award.

A space for discovery

Be2Can is not necessarily just a festival of films from prominent names and titles.
It also focuses on lesser-known filmmakers whose careers are at the very beginning, but who bring an innovative view of film or remarkable poetics which follow the strong trends of festival films. We don't just want to offer the audience proven choices, we want to encourage them to explore.

Listen and discuss

The ticket is also an invitation to discuss.
We want to draw the audience to the film events which offer professional introductions, lectures, Q&As with actors and filmmakers, and masterclasses. Our goal is to raise awareness of what's going on in the festival scene and to provoke discussion. We bring context to film.

In a broader perspective

Great filmmakers do not appear out of the blue in the main festival competitions. That's why we carefully follow films outside of the main sections of the "big three" and at other significant European festivals.
Even if the film does not appear in the Be2Can portfolio we will always take it into account when creating context for our titles – on the web, through social media, in the festival guide and in accompanying lectures.

Open festival

The film’s selection is not limited to the Film Europe Media Company portfolio.
The main programme section of Be2Can is open to all distributors. Its aim is to raise awareness of art films and to give them the publicity they deserve.

Guests, not faces

We are not only concerned with media glamour, but with inspiring observations and topics for discussion.
We invite such guests and delegations connected to festival films to offer our viewers an interesting insight into the making of the film they represent.

Without populism

We know that our films are not for everyone.
We aim our communication at those who know what they want and why they want it.
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