Tereza Domínová zve na film Saint Omer
Be2Can / Movies / Saint Omer
Saint Omer
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MFF Benátky
Grand Jury Prize, Best Debut Film
Nominee | Best Film, Best Screenplay, Most Promising Actress, Best Cinematography
Nominee | Best First Film, Best Original Screenplay, Most Promising Actress, Best Cinematography
Saint-Omer court of law. Young novelist Rama attends the trial of Laurence Coly, a young woman accused of killing her 15-month-old daughter. But as the trial continues, the words of the accused and witnesses will shake Rama’s convictions and call into question our own judgement.
For the past decade, award-winning documentarian Alice Diop has turned her camera on the injustices and intimate stories of immigrant communities on the peripheries of Paris in a meaningful act of recentering. With Saint Omer, her astonishing narrative feature debut, she brings her typical sensitivity and rigour to a story liberally adapted from a 2013 fait divers, in which a woman allegedly placed her 15-month-old daughter on a beach in northern France, abandoning her to the high tide. This progressively claustrophobic courtroom drama is told through the stoic point of view of Rama (played with restrained intensity by a superb Kayije Kagame), a young novelist working on a contemporary retelling of the ancient Medea myth. Pregnant herself and increasingly uneasy, Rama’s own family history, doubts, and fears about motherhood are steadily dislodged as the life story of the accused woman, Laurence Coly (an extraordinary Guslagie Malanda), is gradually revealed. From a stern upbringing in Senegal to gradual isolation from family and society on her arrival in Europe, Coly’s experiences expose the traumas of racism and emotional manipulation that can remain unspoken while insidiously and irrevocably corroding a person’s well-being.

Alice Diop

Directed by
Alice Diop
Written by
Amrita David, Alice Diop, Marie N'Diaye
Edited by
Amrita David
Claire Mathon
Sound by
Emmanuel Croset
Music by
Thibault Deboaisne
Kayije Kagame, Guslagie Malanda, Aurélia Petit, Xavier Maly, Thomas de Pourquery, Valérie Dréville
Original title
Saint Omer
English title
Saint Omer
Running time
122 min
Age rating
CS/SK Distributor
Film Europe

Jury award

Cena za nejlepší film


"Saint Omer Film Saint Omer je útrpným rozjímaním o prisťahovaleckej skúsenosti ženy, ktorý stavia matku pred súd a divákov do porotnej lavice, aby našli ľudskosť v neľudskom. Režisérka sa prostredníctvom sofistikovane budovanej štruktúry príbehu  a postáv neustále zahráva s pojmom „obeť“ a núti diváka opakovane spochybňovať svoj postoj. Emocionálna rezervovanosť hereckých výkonov, vizuálne uchopenie, ťažkosť a subtilnosť tohto pokojne plynúceho filmu z neho robia mimoriadny zážitok. Strhujúce súdne konanie sa dotýka rasovej, triednej, rodovej aj kultúrnej problematiky bez potreby poučovať, ale naopak empaticky pochopiť.  Film taktiež originálnym spôsobom spracováva tému nevysloviteľného tajomstva materstva a skúma vzťah k našim vlastným matkám a deťom prostredníctvom osobného prežitku. Saint Omer exceluje po scenáristickej, formálnej aj autorskej stránke a preto mu tohtoročná porota udeľuje cenu Najlepší film."


Terézia Halamová, porotkyně Be2Can 2023 a studentka katedry režie na FAMU


Media reception

The Guardian
★★★★★ „An extraordinary experience.“
Little White Lies
★★★★★ „The standard for ‘Best of 2023’ lists has already been set.“
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